
The almost best titan.

Meta Kits.

Choices higher up in the list are generally safer and are less situational.

Titan Kit:


Starting with an extra 20% core toward one of the strongest cores dwarfs the other options available in this slot. Sword Core is especially strong if obtained with enough health to avoid being doomed during its duration, so the head start has a very significant impact.

Ronin Kit:


Arc Wave has two charges.

Another Arc Wave means more lockdown, damage, and defensive countering, but you don't receive any benefit in sustained combat. The best kit for a passive playstyle that frequently sits on an Arc Wave for a while before committing to an attack or a burst playstyle that wants a heftier payload.

Temporal Anomaly:

Phase Dash is available more often (shorter cooldown).

A shorter Phase Dash cooldown means more frequent Phase Dashes mid-combat, letting you mitigate more damage or stay in the fight for longer. Preferable to Ronins who play aggressively or are constantly in the action, under fire, especially if you are being focused over teammates.


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