Smart Core Damage Boost
Smart Core secretly applies 20% damage to all of Legion's damage outputs, excluding eject and nuclear eject.
Last updated
Smart Core secretly applies 20% damage to all of Legion's damage outputs, excluding eject and nuclear eject.
Last updated
The following changes apply: CR and LR PS crit dealing 3k>3.6k damage CR and LR PS dealing 2k>2.4k damage LR PS splash damage can exceed 2.1k damage with smart core Predator Cannon crit max damage per shot 150>180 Predator Cannon max damage per shot 100>120 E-Smoke gives an inconsistent damage scale, still seems affected Melee 500>600 damage Step Pilot damage 5k>6k Max Pilot damage per shot 35>42 Max Pilot PS damage 200>240 Minimum Pilot PS damage 50>60
Those Powershot values are without Hidden Compartment Kit 15% damage reduction. (CR=Close Range, LR= Long Range, PS= Powershot)