Ordnance Cancel

Certain titans are able to cancel their ordnances by using melee animation

Monarch and Ion are able to cancel their ordnances, to not waste energy/ordnance when they are unable to capitalize on them:

(2:55) Monarch is cancelling Siphon since it doesn't have a vision on a target, saving the Siphon for later.

Monarch, Tone, and Northstar are able to cancel their ordnance abilities. This is primarily useful as a mind-game against Ion, and Ronin.


Northstar can also use her ordnance melee cancel to melee sooner after a Railgun shot. This is useful for meleeing faster in a pinch or securing terminations, especially if your opponent expects the normal melee delay after a Railgun shot.

(9:00) Railgun shot is followed by a Cluster which is immediately canceled.

As a general rule of thumb, any ability that swaps to something and "fires" can be canceled with a melee before they release the "attack", excluding cores and Sword Block. In most cases, there is no drawback, but Ion's Vortex Shield will drop anything it caught and Tone's Sonar Lock will not be usable for 15s. The full list of abilities that can be canceled is as follows:

  • Ion

    • Laser Shot, Vortex

  • Legion

    • N/A

  • Monarch

    • Rocket Salvo, Rearm, Energy Siphon

  • Northstar

    • Cluster Missile

  • Ronin

    • Arc Wave

  • Scorch

    • Firewall, Thermal Shield

  • Tone

    • Tracker Rockets, Sonar Lock

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