Meta Kits:
Choices higher up in the list are generally a safer and/or less situational option.
Titan Kit:
The extra 20% core can help with minimizing the time and mind games needed to destroy the titan with getting to your core faster.
Turbo Engine:
An extra dash can help when ion needs to navigate fights or get to a battery/location faster.
Ion Kit:
Zero-Point Tripwire:
Tripwire deployment uses zero energy.
ZPT (Zero-Point Tripwire) is a great kit for its essentially free energy. While Trips (Tripwires) are also great ability to distance or damage enemies. It also enables Ion to apply some damage or pressure while holding Vortex without lowering its uptime, greatly empowering Ion's defensive play.
Entangled Energy
Splitter Rifle critical hits restore energy.
Normal bullets restore 3% energy.
Split bullets restore 0.8% energy (up to 2.4% total).
The bonus energy-generation can help Ion's energy stay afloat in sustained engagements, especially after expending energy on attacks. It is particularly helpful against Ronins, as they cannot block their weak spot without Shields. It mainly provides the most benefits for a damage-focused playstyle out of the non-ZPT kits.
Note that Vortex Amplifier does not affect projectiles. Since it only benefits against Monarch and Legion, it is not recommended for any playstyle. While it may be tempting for those matchups in 1v1s, the recommended kits are generally stronger even then, since Vortex Amplifier does not help Ion sustain in combat.
Related Tech:
Laser Shot Splash Damage
Double Laser Shot
Sword Core Tripwire glitch
Last updated