Understanding the Wiki
Notes for understanding parts of the wiki.
Last updated
Notes for understanding parts of the wiki.
Last updated
The ⚠️ emoji represents a tech that is not reproducible or lacks guidance.
The 🟩 emoji represents a tech that tends to benefit the titan.
The 🟥 emoji represents a tech that will be abused to counter the titan.
The ℹ️ emoji doesn't represent a tech, but rather represents info about the titan that isn't well known by most players
Spec is a shortening of the word, Specification. Which is referencing Spec Sheet.
Spec is precise numbers and data. Most of the time from code or proven direct numbers.
Sword (Core):
800 (2200) damage
8.25 meters
45 degrees
.9 (95) second cooldown
.43 seconds until hit
22% (80%) less knockback
500 punch
7.11 meters
20 degrees
.8 second cooldown
.34 seconds until hit
Mech is a shortening of the word, Mechanics. Which is referencing Mechanical Ability.
Mech is the human capability to do an action.
Crouch Tech takes incredibly precise timing to perfect. Mechanically very hard/demanding.
Tech is a shortening of the word, Technology. Which is referencing the use of many things; knowledge, hardware, bugs, etc. to create something; strategy, skill, options in a fight, or a new 'ability'.
Tech is stuff you can do to affect a fight. A broad term for doing something.
🟩Zero-Point Laser ShotZero-Point Laser Shot takes knowledge, mechanical ability, experience in order to use in a fight.